Let's take a closer look at H's cardigan 😏

another thread off Harold goes crazy with the messages.
Again 🙄
1. Daffodils
a) Louis said at a Walls signing they are his fav
b) they are also called Narcissus after the greek myth of a beautiful man who was loved by females and males likewise (and gives the name to narcissism)
Who do we know who calls himself narcissistic?

c) used as a slur for a gay man that is not very masculine
2. a blue green star ... not much to add there

3. two hearts pierced with an arrow (falling in love - cupid anyone?) - behind that a cobra (could stand for wisdom, sexuality, transformation or danger and poison - snake, in general, can mean betrayal and Satan)
4. a green hand with a crowned heart - this alludes to the Irish Claddagh which stands for love, loyalty and friendship
5. a butterfly - which stands for rebirth, transformation, change, hope and life
6. an angel - which can stand for DEVOTION and HOPE
(I love how it looks as if it wants to crawl inside 🥰)
7. a fly/bee .... make of that what you want

8. a red and blue star
On to the backside

10. Two identical items is often used in art to symbolize same-sex relationships
11. two Golden Pheasants - GOLDEN yeah yeah, but wait - it's also known as the Chinese pheasant or ... RAINBOW pheasant
(thank you to @vildkvittra for finding this 🤗)
12. Fishies 🥰
and of course, there are fishes

These look a bit like Koi
In Japanese culture, Koi are a symbol of good fortune or luck, perseverance in adversity and strength of purpose
In Buddhism a symbol of courage

(thank you @rainbow_larents for the idea)
Leaves us with the bird in a tree growing from a heart and those small crab-y thingies

I am a bit lost on deeper meaning/symbolism on both of them so if anyone has an idea please share it 😊
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