I'm turning the big 4-0 next year if we ever get out of this hellhole of a year. Please indulge an older lady as I give some unsolicited advice.
Buy the best mattress you can afford. You may be able to recover from an awkward night of sleeping in your 20s, but you'll be paying for that in your mid-30s. You don't want back problems, it's the literal worst.
You don't need to have all your shit figured out early in life. Some people do and that's fine, but don't pressure yourself to have a certain life or live a certain way or even live up to someone's expectations. Your life is your own, do it up proudly.
Validation is cool: social media verification, being a speaker on panels, being on a recognized list, but at the end of the day if you are putting in your best work doing what you love and you're proud to stand by what you do, self-validation is more important
When we're young we're told not to speak up or take too strong a stance on issues. It's bullshit. Never be afraid to speak up or stand for something. I'm STILL learning this lesson and I'm happier with who I am for trying to do what's right.
Sometimes your biological family won't get you and that's ok. You will find your own family if you keep yourself open to it and they'll love and accept you for who you really are and who you aspire to be.
Always use the potty before you leave the house even if you don't think you need to. The same rule applies to before you board a plane--Murphy's law states if you have a massive drink before you board without going, you'll have a delay that traps you on the tarmac.
Friendship is never a one-way street. A real friend would want to know if something is bothering you so you can talk it out.
Don't let people shame you on your purchases. YOU worked hard for that money and if you want to buy yourself a wall of Funko Pops, get at it!
You're not going to be everyone's cup of tea. It's one of the hardest lessons to learn, but don't let it change you.
Stop wearing shoes that are ill-fitting. Have you seen those videos of people in their 70s and 80s with major feet issues? Don't do this to yourself.
Sometimes people just don't have kids. There's nothing wrong with them or you if you don't. People make their own life choices.
Buy better cookware. And learn how to cook one nice meal. TRUST me.
Laughter is the best medicine. Laugh well and laugh often my friends.
For the love of God, pay attention in history and math classes. You need all of it later. Especially history.
It's ok to say no. Don't be afraid to say it, especially if people are asking for favors.
Wear sunscreen and sunglasses, especially if you live in a sunny area. You could have issues later in life: macular degeneration and melanoma are no joke.
Drink lots of water. Sometimes your headaches are from dehydration. If you feel thirsty your body is way past the point of comfortable hydration.
Work is important, making a career is important, but think about what makes you happy outside of that too. Happiness is everything, BE HAPPY.
Sometimes things don't work out. Keep your head up--you're not a failure or a loser. Never give up on yourself.
Find mentors in life and in work. And full-circle, be a mentor. Knowledge can be communal and it's always nice to learn from people. It's also cool as hell to geek out on things with someone who gets it.
Last one: cherish the memories you make. As you get older you reflect a lot so make a lot of GOOD memories. Don't keep putting off that trip or that thing you always wanted to do. Make those memories now and live your best life. And love yourself. You are worth it.
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