There is a good paper in Cell "Thermostable mRNA Vaccine against COVID-19", which reports that a NOVEL COVID-19 vaccine made from lipids and mRNA can elicit antibody and T-cells in mice or primates.
Where are safety data for humans?
Vast numbers of drugs pass mouse/monkey trials.
We have a series of novel anti-cancer drugs here that work in mice, but of course are not allowed to give them to humans, without extensive safety data.
UK Gov intends to give their novel vaccine to 25 million people!
"Trust our experts"
Means "not yet fully tested for safety".
Paid shills on Twitter are claiming that I am a "conspiracy theorist", or that the burden of proof is on me to show that the lipid-mRNA vaccine is NOT safe.
Sorry, that is not how it works!
The company which sells a new medical product has the burden of proof.
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