1. Jared Kushner is now visiting Saudi Arabia and Qatar, supposedly trying to score a diplomatic Middle East breakthrough. I doubt it. It could instead be another attempt to secure dirty money for Jared’s real estate needs.
2. Ever since 2015, the mainstream press has not connected the dots on the Trump family’s various treasonous and criminal behavior. So it’s a good time to review how Qatar and Saudi Arabia has figured in Jared’s selling out of our country.
3. I remain convinced that of all the characters in this criminal administration, Jared remains the most dangerous and evil.
Jared is highly tied to the initial Steele Dossier claim of benefitting from the sale of Rosneft that Carter Page negotiated as a quid pro quo for Trump
4. From Steele Dossier, Carter Page negotiated a commission for sale of up to 19% of Rosneft. Page admitted he met with an aide to Putin ally & head of Rosneft Igor Sechin (Andrey Baranov) when he testified in front of the Nunes’ House Intelligence Comm.
5. Putin was seeking to unload a significant portion of Rosneft and wanted Carter Page to find a foreign buyer. Putin needed to demonstrate that despite crippling sanctions, other nations could do business with Russia, so a large transaction was a political necessity for him.
7. At this point, we need to identify Jared’s extreme financial situation. He was desperate for cash. In 2007, a 26-year-old Jared Kushner took over the family business after his father had just been released from prison, and he made a big mistake and purchased a huge building
8. Kushner bought 666 Fifth Ave for $ 1.8 billion. When markets crashed in 2008, he had a huge headache so he tried to save it with a loan, but the creditors were closing in on him, and he owed 1.4 billion that was due in 2019. Certainly, this was always top of mind for Jared.
11.Immediately after Kushners fail to get Qatar to invest, the first infamous foreign trip of the Trump administration occurs where Jared and the rest of the Trump crew head to Saudi Arabia. Out of the blue, a new Gulf Crisis occurs.
12. The Saudis, allied w UAE, Egypt and US enacted a blockade of Qatar over Qatar’s support of terrorism. Trump was front and center on this blockade, despite the fact that US was blockading its own military base on Qatar. The largest air field of the US in entire Middle East.
13. Rex Tillerson did not know what was going on, and in June, Tillerson sought to calm the situation and stop the blockade
However, even after Rex’s statement, Trump contradicted Tillerson and blamed Qatar for being a funder of terrorism.
14. Tillerson figured out that Kushner was source of this strange foreign policy. According to this article, a close associate of the SOS says that Tillerson was “blind-sided by the Trump,” and enraged that he and White House were not on the same page.
15” Tillerson’s aides were convinced that the true author of Trump’s statement was U.A.E. ambassador Al Otaiba, a close friend of Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner. Rex put two-and-two together and concluded that this absolutely vacuous kid was running a second foreign policy".
16. In September of 2017, Igor Sechin of Rosneft announced that Glencore and Qataris would sell their shares to a Chinese firms, but that deal was scrapped and in May of 2018, Qatar announced they would retain control of a fifth of Rosneft (19.5%)
17. Its important to start connecting the dots. Qatar was probably aware of the Rosneft commission that they were supposed to pay to Kushner (after Page was pushed out of the way), but once the Dossier was published in January, they wanted to get away from any kind of payoff.
23. So after Putin, Rosneft, Carter Page and a blockade…. Qatar finally comes through. Now at the end of this Trump presidency on today’s date, Jared is in Qatar and Saudi Arabia again. I wonder what new riches he will find.
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