1/9 We appreciate the title #DigitalSoldiers & we have earned it. Thank you @SidneyPowell1 None of us are perfect or always right, we own our mistakes, continue learning, unlearning & relearning.

This is key to #TheGreatAwakening #teachable

Only 10 people know the plan
2/9 It is also key for YOU to do your own research, it is the only way you will learn, own your knowledge because you worked for it. Stop waiting for your government, or your TV or your fellow patriot to tell you what is going on.

3/9 Many act like impatient children.. oh hey wait a minute. There is a connection there. You never grew up & took personal responsibility or ever questioned a thing in your life while your rights have been stripped away from you, your children, your grandchildren. #Apathy
4/9 A good man leaves a good world for his grandchildren's grandchildren. #JuanOSavin Takes guts, courage & faith. Many have none of these qualities & remain fearful, hiding behind a mask, getting flu jabs, normal? All injections cause disease & have altered our DNA.
5/9 Where is the outrage? Cure = HCQ & they suppressed it knowingly, so millions died knowingly.

We drop posts & hints with vital information because we have done the work, but its up to you to follow through to do your own research. #HCQW0RKS
6/9 None of this is personal, it just is. Neither is anything we ever post, but I can tell you this, we are the news now.


Remember you do not need to go near Trump or Q to research any of these topics. Stop that lame narrative & being so lazy & fearful.
7/9 In the end, it's about choice folks, you choose evil or you choose good. #DarknessToLight = Ignorance to knowledge. Ignorance is a choice. Facts vs Feelings is how we roll.


As we have always said #SilenceIsConsent & for #cowards #Disgraced #NeverGiveUp .
8/9 "Never ever give up. Never stop fighting 4 what you believe in & 4 the people who care about you carry yourself with dignity & pride. Relish the opp to be an outsider, embrace that label, bc it's the outsiders that change the world & make a real & lasting difference". DJT
9. DJT 4/10/20

In the end, people will know what we did and why we did it. That is our gift, not for ego, but the adults finally join us at the table.

Some will need to be left behind, sadly. (SATAN)
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