BREAKING: @LLinWood "Read the United States Constitution. And here's what it makes clear: All the power. Not SOME of the power. ALL of the POWER, belongs to the people. This our country. We tell the government what they can and cannot do. They do not control, The People. This is
2/ our country and we're going to take it back. We are circling the walls of Jericho. People are praying in this country. We are circling the walls and God Almighty is going to tear the walls down and we going to take America back again. You watch it happen! ... You send that
3/ message to Bill Barr at the Justice Department: Do Your Job! You work for US, Attorney General Barr. Do your job. You tell the Director of the FBI: Do your damn job. You work for us! Investigate this fraud. And tell the Director of the CIA: Get out of our country ... you don't
4/ spy on Americans. You're not ever going to it again in America.

Thank God for @realDonaldTrump. God Almighty created every one of us and he created Donald Trump, and he gave him a task to fulfill in his life, and that was to be President of the United States in 2020 and
5/ he's going to be President for 4 more years. Watch it happen! The People will not allow it to be taken away from them and neither will Almighty God. God is going to save this country. And he's going to use every one of you to do it. He's going to fill you with the spirit of
6/ King David the Warrior. We are the rock. The people are the rock and we're going to slay Goliath, the Communists, the Liberals, the phonies. Joe Biden will never set foot in the Oval Office of this country. It will not happen on our watch. Never going to happen". 🇺🇸
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