Nelly Shin MP points out that the 10 day waiting period could already be waived under the existing legislation (without adding Bill C7)- it just required two doctors to agree it should be.
CW Suicide

Nelly Shin MP: This Bill can open door to a suicide pandemic within a pandemic.

CW Suicide

Explaining why she won't support #BillC7 "I don't want blood on my hands." Nelly Shin
Liberals again bringing up the word consensus which they back up by pointing out NDP support for #BillC7

An act of betrayal to disabled people I will never in my lifetime forgive NDP for.
Who the hell was that ____ who just stood up in the House of Commons.
'There are people to take care of those people" so she's decided disabled people are taken care of and fine and 'those bad things don't happen'
The level ignorance that is allowed to stand in that house.
Jeremy Patzer MP is talking about Roger Foley who has been denied the supports necessary to live in the community and instead was offered assisted suicide. He has called for "assisted life before anyone discusses assisted death"
CW Suicide

Jeremy Patzer MP says he shares the concerns expressed by disability advocates.

He says in his province of Saskatchewan there is a crisis of suicide in Indigenous communities.
Jeremy Patzer "Where is the expansion of palliative care and better support."
Jeremy Patzer talks about how there is no access to palliative care in rural communities but there will be access to MAID.
The Liberals are being so dismissive, arrogant and smug about during this debate - trying not to editorialize but my gawd it's sickening.
Karen Vecchio MP pointed out that it needs better oversight and safeguards.

Karen Vecchio Our job is to protect all Canadians. Our job is to represent all Canadians. We are not doing that with this bill.

Points out that tomorrow is (ironically) International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Karen Vecchio When the disabilities groups are coming - (90+ speakers to Senate alone) - it's not one or two people talking - against this Bill, we should be listening to them.

"It's offering a choice to take MAID or live uncomfortably."
Daniel Blaikie NDP asks if Vecchio (CPC) would support disability income support program.
She said yes.

Me: Income is part of it but ableism is far more complicated than that. Better dead than disabled is BIG issue beyond income.
Luc Berthold says his constituents are concerned about access to palliative care.

Me: Again this is part of it but remember this bill extends beyond disabled people are dying. We need support to live.
Cathy Wagantall points out Liberals rejected all amendments that came back from the Justice Committee.
Cathy Wagantall quotes Roger Foley 'I've been coerced into assisted death by abuse, threats...You MPs have turned your backs on disabled people and older Canadians.'
Cathy Wagantall quotes various disabled people and disability advocates including one woman whose doctor was surprised she wanted treatment that would save her life for a condition that would be standard care for a non-disabled person with same condition.
The govt clearly has its own agenda here. It is determined to eliminate safeguards for the most vulnerable.

Cathy Wagantall

70% of Canadians continue to live with no access to palliative care.
Concerns govt will ignore LTC as MAID becomes more widely available.
Just want to echo that I concur that the Liberal Party of Canada DEFINITELY has its own agenda with Bill C7 and DwD does as well and people should start asking more questions about what those really are.
Me: Everyone - especially media - citing Truchon decision might want to ask why the Govt decided not to appeal that decision which it could have and many legal scholars have suggested was seriously flawed.
We are basing a Canadian law that goes far beyond what that decision required on a Quebec court ruling. Not a Supreme Court of Canada ruling. Can everyone please stop acting like it was a SCC decision because it was NOT.
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