Covering all legal issues — including the @realDonaldTrump campaign & GOP election challenges.
Below is a rundown on some of this week’s actions and hearings —
WISCONSIN: The president’s campaign has a lawsuit pending before the state Supreme Court challenging 221,000 ballots. The legal complaint, filed Tuesday, claims absentee ballots were cast in violation of state laws governing ballot applications and identification.
PENNSYLVANIA: Mr. Trump’s legal team has vowed to take their Pennsylvania case to the Supreme Court after the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected their lawsuit contesting the state’s results.
Also in PA — An emergency petition is already at the high court from Rep. Mike Kelly, who asked Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr. this week to halt the state from further certifying the results. In that legal dispute, he argues PA officials unlawfully expanded absentee voting.
ARIZONA: The state Republican Party filed a lawsuit attempting to toss out mail-in ballots that weren’t properly reviewed by GOP poll observers and lack proper signature verification.
On that AZ state lawsuit, a judge in Maricopa County on Tuesday said Ms. Ward and her attorneys can review 200 ballots and envelopes to see if they show any signs of fraud. They have until Thursday to review them for any faults before another court hearing.
NEVADA: Trump’s campaign has a hearing in state court Thursday. Mr. Trump's campaign and electors for Mr. Biden inspected voting materials in Clark County this week.
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