The joys of urban agriculture, feat. @pettyranch.

Fun fact! We already do a LOT of urban agriculture in the US.

People just don't realize it's "urban agriculture" bc it's not... what's the word... gentrified.
Sacramento has strip malls w rice fields in the back.

I've got a greenhouse client that doesn't even think of themselves as an "urban farm," they're just in a logical city-outskirts location for their business model.

Every orchard in Stockton & Fresno is neighbors w suburbs.
. @pettyranch is in Oxnard, which is farm country that's also starting to behave basically as an exurb of Los Angeles.

The land values there are $40-60K an acre! Yet people still manage to farm it without any input from the urban ag boosterism community whatsoever.
And don't @ me with "exurbs, suburbs, & city outskirts aren't urban" bc if you think that, you truly don't get how US cities work. They sure af ain't rural.
If a farm has city water, it's in commuting distance of a skyscraper zone, &/or its main hazards are from people (dumping, traffic, etc) instead of might be urban.

That describes a lot of US farms. They're often urban by accident, but they're de facto urban.
Saw an urban design guy from Los Angeles talking yesterday about how "urban agriculture just doesn't make sense here."

Hon... you already have it. That's why you don't feel like you need it.

Californians are privy to one of the few regional/urban food systems in the rich world.
There's also Kennett Square, aka the suburb of Philadelphia that grows most of the nation's mushrooms.

The city gov't in Kennett Square has been trying for years to get people to take their municipality seriously as experts on urban agriculture & nobody listens. 😭
What I'm saying is if you think "urban agriculture" is futuristic, impractical, or a pipe dream

then you've only been paying attention to the gentrified glossy magazine version of it. And *everything* can be an impractical pipe dream if you just gentrify it enough lmao
just some more half-baked thoughts on urban agriculture, inspired by people kvetching about how it's a bad investment bc the twee gentrified version is the only kind they can acknowledge as real
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