This is too long for a Facebook video, my dude
This is an insane fucking speech.
Fucking piece of shit fascist loser.
Go the fuck away, you fucking loser. So sick of this fucking piece of shit.
There's no evidence of fraud. No matter how many times that asshole says "the evidence is overwhelming!" that doesn't mean there was evidence. So far, these fuckwits have provided evidence of... 0 fraudulent votes. Fucking losers.
Republicans are fascists. They are a fascist party. The fact that they haven't come out and condemned this shit proves it.
I hope he spends the rest of his life in prison. He's a criminal piece of garbage.
Also, I hope that everyone who lied in their dumb affidavits gets prosecuted to the fullest extent possible. Screw them.
No one in the history of the United States has ever lost as big as Trump did. He's the biggest loser of all time.
Republicans are just mad that mail-in voting was a huge success. So now they're pretending it was a disaster. It wasn't. This election made a great case for universal mail-in voting.
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