the five-year “trial” - like #Robodebt, a harmful, hateful and hugely expensive failure dating to the Morrison and Porter periods as Human Services minister - was granted a no-action letter by ASIC in 2016 (hence the extended “trial” status for a 13 year old policy).
the Indue #CashlessDebit card causes harm ie the Morrison government is targeting people on income support to knowingly cause them harm. Without a continuing no-action from ASIC, card distribution directly contravenes the ASIC Act 2001 (Cth) s 12DL AND is contrary to its purpose.
dw ABC radio AM ended their report on #CashlessDebit by reading out a slapdash response from Frydenberg saying what the Morrison government “believes” - in the face of all counter-evidence - about its punitive policy that targets low income people to knowingly cause harm. Again.
reminder that these are defining features of Liberal Party economic management: punitively targets poor people, knowingly causes harm, almost certainly unlawful, prohibitively expensive, and in the current regime, traceable to the hateful ideological obsessions of Scott Morrison.
oh and regular reminder that the continuing capacity of the Morrison government to cause mass harm, up to and including death, is contingent on his campaign comms being faithfully broadcast and published by major media and obediently legitimised by the Canberra press gallery.
massive repository on “compulsory income management”, correctly dated to 2007, when Howard tried to white-saviour his way back into office with the despicable “Northern Territory Emergency Intervention” (he lost his seat and lost government), here. 
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