This is a very ... interesting ... article about the Fast Track tier of Canadian film producers "balking" at Telefilm's new focus on diversity. One quick point is that it doesn't note the fair number of far-from-successful productions delivered via Fast Track. Thread time!
A few recent examples, off top of my head: Robert Lantos's SONG OF NAMES got ~$10.1M from Telefilm including marketing. It earned ~$1.13-million worldwide, with Rotten Tomatoes score of 40%. Don Carmody's LUCKY DAY: ~$3.09M from Telefilm; earned ~$199K worldwide, RT score of 10%
Ajay and Vinay Virmani's LITTLE ITALY: ~$5.01M from Telefilm; earned ~$1.3M worldwide, RT score 14%. Martin Katz's OUR HOUSE: ~$2.76M from Telefilm; earned ~$24K worldwide, RT score 62% (hooray?).
I could go on. And then compare how much, say, filmmakers outside Fast Track received from Telefilm, and contrast their RT scores and awards and everything they've done to boost Cdn cinema's profile at home and worldwide. But that's a larger discussion. Which I am working on, btw
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