I'm told 400 speakers are signed up and the hearing could go past midnight. https://twitter.com/mplsclerk/status/1333922649412669443?s=19
First caller wants to Ward 3 voters to remove Steve Fletcher.
Caller: Can't blame the left, the right, or Trump. Crime is all about the City Council. "The mob will not protect you from these criminals... protect yourself, protect your job."
Caller is using skills acquired from when they lived in South Africa to avoid becoming a crime victim, which they never thought they'd have to do.
Caller in Whittier: The city's council's "plan for defunding" has empowered the criminals.

"Licensed science teacher" with classroom wisdom: children need to know there are rules that will be enforced. "You must keep the police in place."
Caller: Stop listening to the "posse of snake oil salesmen" and listen to Chief Arradondo and northside residents. Need more feet on the street. Don't cut overtime.
"I can't take my dog out for a walk in the evening." Ward 12 resident for 26 years. Citing Matt Yglesias article that discusses research on the impact of police on violent crime.
Ward 13, person with young children: "all my concerns have been addressed by every single caller we have heard thus far."
Steve Cramer of the Downtown Council, from Ward 11, supports the mayor's "both/and budget."

"MPD has been depleted and needs to be restored." Alternative response systems can't be turned on like a light switch. "can't be done at the expense" of building back MPD.
FACT CHECK from Wedge LIVE, a guy who pays attention to current events: Sales taxes have declined due to covid.
Someone from DMNA says they surveyed downtown residents two years ago, and results showed crime and safety was the last thing on residents' minds. That's changed. (This doesn't seem to match my experience of the rhetoric out of downtown the whole time I've lived in Minneapolis)
Happening now: Homeowner in ward 12 says my property taxes are going down, and that's unconscionable. Please raise my taxes. And: funding non-police response for mental health and violence prevention is the right move.
Caller says gang members are moving here from all over the country.
First mention of George Floyd from a caller supporting city council members' "Safety for All" budget and calling for reviving a public safety charter amendment effort next year.
Caller says they're not for a both/and approach. "we have tried reform for decades."
Caller denigrates police horses: "horses will not save any of us from violent crime." Police dollars go to things like a multi-hour ordeal of arresting post-election protesters on a highway.
Couple of callers supporting the "people's budget." https://twitter.com/CJ_Hende/status/1333955282108633089
Caller contrasting 7% cut for MPD with 28% cut for the city department responsible for economic development. In an economic downturn, we need to be investing more in community.
Caller: More money for MPD does not equal safety. Note the complaints, and the investigation of MPD by the MN dept of human rights.
Caller: no correlation between crime rates and the number of officers on the streets. (TRUE. I remember when the chief was asking for 400 more cops last year, looking up the suggested comparable cities and being amazed at the much much higher crime rates in those places.)
Caller: "Clearly white people walking their dogs is more important than black people feeling safe..."
Ward 9 caller says fear and cynicism work against change. Stop monitoring police scanners, nextdoor, and crime apps.
Two callers remind us a *plan* to defund the police isn't why you feel unsafe right now. You can blame the pandemic and economic misery of 2020.
Strong language used against the "whiny ass wasps" who buy their groceries in the suburbs. Jeknins and Cano also taking some abuse.
Caller: when thinking about $179 million for MPD, "I think about all the other departments that need funding instead..." Supports the People's Budget to "build up the systems that can actually keep us safe."
Caller: George Floyd's death was an opportunity to come together for generational change. But never seen city more polarized, neighbors against neighbors. Blames irresponsible language from city council, "Lisa Bender and her followers."
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