Imma quick say this then get back to doing highbrow jokes about my bumhole or whatever.
A lot of people this year are suffering from mental health problems who haven’t experienced them before.
Several friends have messaged me scared because they’ve started having panic attacks or they’re suffering a real low period, this being new to them they think this is how it will always be now. It isn’t. Things get easier. Don’t beat yourself up and don’t be hard on yourself.
I’ve had huge breakdowns before where my Mum has called specialist mental health people out in the middle of the night because I’ve been crumpled on the bathroom floor, screaming, pulling clumps of my hair out because the voices won’t stop.
I went though a phase where I didn’t leave the house for 2 months because the panic attacks were so bad. I got an eating disorder and dropped down to 6 stone.
When you’re in that place you can’t see a way out. You’re in complete darkness. But very gradually the light will start creeping back in without you noticing.
I’m stable now. Pretty much. I get low days here and there but who doesn’t. What I mean is, it’ll pass. Keep going and be kind to yourself.
Bum holes. 💜
When I was at my lowest, a friend told me to write it all down to make sense of it all. I started to write a book. I just found a little bit of it to send to someone. Fucken’ hell there’s pages of this shit.
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