Bible study discussion thread: a brief look at Leviticus 19:28 regarding the act of personal scarification and tattoos
In Leviticus 19:28 our Father in Heaven instructs not to cut designs into human flesh, called scarification, or scribe our flesh with marks, tattooing, called in Hebrew kethobeth qaaqa, but He does not explain why, which means it was self evident at the time
The Holy Scripture verse say not to cut and mark the body. The word tattoo comes from the pacific island languages word tatu which literally means to puncture and mark the skin. So Leviticus 19:28 is definitely speaking about what people know as tattoos
Cultures from Egypt to Babylon have records stating they wore tattoos, they would use them to place magic symbols upon their body, and mark designs upon themselves. Our Creator said to be Holy, qodesh in Hebrew, literally it means separate ourselves, from practices of this world
A Biblical Archeology Society article reprinted in a public newspaper discusses how tattoos were also used as a mark of slavery to a specific kingdom, some excerpt are attached as well as the full article for review,
Many times we are told in the Bible texts that our Creator made us how He wanted us, in His image, He is the potter and we are the clay, and that we are His physical living temple, which allude to why we are not to modify ourselves for our self glory, these are some examples
We are instructed by our Father our Designer not to tattoo, if you got one before learning about this know there is forgiveness for the act, it was done in ignorance, but should anyone get tattoos after learning Truth, that is a deliberate sin of a stiff neck different kind
Basically it can be looked at like this: we are not to get tattoos, if we got them before knowing this it is a sin done in ignorance, we did not know better, however to get more tattoos after knowing this is then a sin done with knowledge and is a deliberate sin, being stiff neck
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