It is outrageous that the Governor tried to use World AIDS Day to mask and divert attention from deep cuts to our State’s HIV response that signal the Governor’s abandonment of his own historic plan for Ending the Epidemic in NYS. /2
We gathered outside his NYC office yesterday to tell him as much /3
. @NYgovcuomo was correct that tremendous progress has been made towards our EtE goals but does not acknowledge deep setbacks due to the #COVID-19 pandemic, or negligence by the State /4
The Governor’s self-congratulatory statement also neglected to mention the proposed “carve out” of Medicaid pharmacy benefits, stripping Federal 340B drug discounts from all safety net providers in the State. #DontCutTheNet go here  /7
The statement incorrectly boasts about 2019 data showing New York State has successfully “bent the curve” on the HIV epidemic but fails to acknowledge the devastating impact of the 2020 COVID crisis on our EtE efforts @AmidaCareNY /8
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