EXCLUSIVE: Austin Mayor Steve Adler told the public to "stay home if you can...this is not the time to relax" in a Nov. 9 Facebook video. He did not disclose that he was at a timeshare in Cabo San Lucas after flying on a private jet with eight family members and guests.
The Mexico trip with family came the day after Adler hosted a small wedding for his daughter at a trendy South Congress Hotel with 20 attendees. Adler says he consulted with health authorities prior and that guests had to undergo COVID-19 testing and practice social distancing.
Adler did not violate his own order or those by Gov. Greg Abbott. However, city hall insiders have begun quietly discussing Adler's personal activities. Adler has been a constant voice during the COVID-19 pandemic, urging residents to take precautions. Here is his statement:
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