Taxonomy of SEC fanbases when their team is good (relative to the last 15ish years), a thread
Alabama: Impossibly Arrogant. Bitch endlessly about any perceived imperfection, especially on defense. Think fans of other teams are jealous losers if they don’t worship the ground Bama walks on.
Texas A&M: Openly a cult. The less said the better, I don’t want them to find me.
Auburn: Less openly a cult. Fewer weird traditions, less dog reverence, more Jesus.
Ole Miss: Drunk racist country club bros
Mississippi State: Rednecks with anger issues and a Napoleon Complex
Arkansas: still fantasizing about Darren McFadden tbh (no judgment, I am too)
LSU: *gestures vaguely at Ed Orgeron* he about sums them up tbh
Georgia: Delusions of immense grandeur to mask *crippling* insecurity and feelings of impending doom
Tennessee: Angry But Also Still Kinda Depressed?
Missouri: Not an SEC fanbase, next
South Carolina: Joke about Michigan State having little brother syndrome but have you seen these MFers?
Kentucky: Just happy to be here mostly; for basketball they’re Blue Alabama
Vanderbilt: The frattiness of Alabama or Georgia, the smug condescension of Harvard
Florida: When the offense is better than the defense, they think they’re winning every game by 50. When the defense is better than the offense, they want the coach fired.
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