#COVID is tearing through my extended Indiana family after their Thanksgiving. Three tested positive, eight have symptoms. Everyone is getting tested.

People you know are going to die this winter because some of you thought incompetence wasn't a disqualifier for public office.
People you know are going to die this winter because some of you think you are a special, individual snowflake rather than part of a community.

People you know are going to die this winter because some of you value comfort and convenience over the lives of your neighbors.
This is not normal. Other developed countries don't have numbers like this. The ways American culture is inferior to that of other developed nations are the means by which someone you know is going to die this winter.
Some of us will live to learn and grow from our mistakes. A quarter of a million of us have already been robbed of that chance.

Here's hoping there aren't a quarter of a million more before we're done.
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