Clannad: "Change"
This is a spoiler free thread I will just talk about the first 1 or 2 minutes of the show.
"Fun things...Happy things...They can't all possibly stay unchanged. Even so, can you go on loving this place?"
When I heard this quote I couldn't answer, I just stood there speechless not able to talk I just broke down crying, the thought of in itself was scary to hear and to-
realise. Everytime I hear this quote it just hit deeper than the last time bc with every day that passes it becomes more apparent than the last one.
I remember that I had a conversation with one of my friends more than a year ago and I told him about my fears of what will -
happen to our friend group, everyone of us was in a different grade, it looked like we will get more distant with each year that passes. He was the oldest so he would be the first one to go away or to have less time to spend with us, I thought that shortly after everyone-
else would follow and one day my time would come to leave our younger friends. My friend told me that I shouldn't worry and that everything would be ok.
Some of my fears happened, my friend has become more distant not bc he wants to but bc he doesn't have any time to spare.
I have less free time to spend with them and they don't have a lot of free time to spare too, we may text every now and then but it doesn't feel the same anymore.
I feel like we are getting more distant and it looks like the distance between us will only get bigger with time.
I have always hated change, I am good at adapting to it but I hated it nonetheless bc everything that I loved, everything that I held dear was taken away from me, friends that I can't talk to anymore, people that I loved that aren't here anymore and a lot of things that I have-
lost through the years.
I first watched Clannad after losing a place that I felt comfortable in and it made me comfortable in my new place.
It made me accept the change.
A month ago the teacher that was like a father to me died, I lost the place that made me comfortable and the place that connected me to him.
I was asleep when that happened,I heard a lot of noise, I found my mother beside me so I asked her about what
happened and she said that my
teacher has died, I didn't deny it or anything I accepted it but I was just sad, I missed him so much.
That night I couldn't sleep even though I didn't sleep well last night, I was exhausted, the day was so busy and I lost the place that comforted me.
My head hearted so much and
The only thought that came to me that night was that I wanted to rest for a bit.
At that time I had started my Clannad rewatch, I was at the end of it and I felt that I needed to finish it so that it might help me again like it did a year ago and it did, it gave me some-
some sort of comfort among all of the chaos.
Everything will change, the things we love, the things we hold dear will eventually change even we will change one day, this is just how life is, this is how the flow of time is, it is cruel, unforgiven and horrifying but it is life -
and it is beautifully fascinating.
“Isn’t it fine as long as you find it? Isn’t it fine as long as you find the next fun and happy moments again?”
Change is inevitable, embrace it.
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