Brewster Buffalo. XF2A-1 first flew on 2 Dec 1937 and early test results showed it was far in advance of Grumman biplane entry. While XF4F-1 would not enter production, it would later re-emerge as a monoplane, the Wildcat.
2) Buffalo won competition against Grumman F4F Wildcat in 1939 to become USN first monoplane fighter aircraft. Although superior to Grumman F3F biplane, Buffalo was largely obsolete when US entered war, unstable and overweight, especially compared to Japanese Mitsubishi A6M Zero.
"The Buffaloes were not only out of date, but mostly poor condition, some having been flown for over 200 hours. Unloaded, they a delight to fly. Loaded, with four .5-inch guns, each with 650 rounds, 130 gallons of petrol, armour glass and plate, they were impossible to handle."
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