VACCINES - why you should take one

A thread 👇
1/ Today’s news gives us a message of serious hope for the return to normality.

Vaccines save lives – polio, mumps, hepatitis etc.

And now Covid. Please take the vaccine + don’t listen to anti – vaxxers.
2/ Children receive vaccinations before adulthood.


Because they work! They save millions of lives a year.
3/ The UK 🇬🇧 has invested millions into research and development and has secured 357 million vaccine doses, which is amongst the highest per capita in the world.

Thanks to the Vaccine Taskforce, @MattHancock + all at @DHSC for their tireless work to get us to this stage.
4/ Pfizer/Biontech have concluded all three stages of their clinical trials and have been providing their safety data to the @MHRAgovuk throughout.

This is why the regulator has been able to work at breakneck speed.
5/ The safety of patients has not been compromised by speed.

The @MHRAgovuk started their preparation to approve the vaccines in June and has been examining the data tirelessly.

JVT explains why it is safe to licence in a short space of time.
6/ The @MHRAgovuk is a trusted regulator. They played a huge part in authorising the use of dexamethasone, which has led to better outcomes to #COVID19 patients.

Andy Burnham agrees: 👇
7/ Vaccine hesitancy is a real issue.

But it is important we address people’s reasonable and key questions to persuade them to take the vaccine.

Well worth a watch/listen of this @IainDale show:
8/ The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation have set out a plan to deploy the vaccine.

The Government will prioritise vaccines to those who are most vulnerable first.
9/ We can now see light at the end of the tunnel.

Have the jab.

Save your life.

Save other people’s lives.
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