The first public comment sets the tone, "we didn't get a say, so now we're getting our say."

The commenter calls out the Olympic exploitation machine and its acceleration of policing and displacement, all so Casey Wasserman and his buddies can get richer. We don't need 3K more cops to sweep us away. #CancelTheOlympics
Second commenter hammers the council on the transit, tourism, and fiscal nightmares the Olympics necessarily bring.

The third caller reiterates that by not taking a stand on the Olympics, you're saying it's OK that we'll get more gentrfication and tens of thousands of more people will be on the streets. That's what happens. It happens everywhere. LA is no different.
Next caller reminds us that "very few of you councilmembers will be around the horseshoe" by 2028 and to think about all the trinkets and crap from the bidding circus.
Over the years, we're seeing #LA28 boosters who are being indicted and thrown in jail, like Huizar, like Englander, and that list will likely get longer, like maybe @HerbJWesson? And we want to be in business with the notoriously corrupt IOC? No thanks. #CancelTheOlympics
"There's no way to do the Olympics right. Let's not waste money on this shit."

Next caller continues to hammer #LA28.

LA Olympics mean “more gentrification, especially in Black communities, led by MHD, gentrifier in chief.”

The next commenter gives us a history lesson on the policing nightmares of the 1984 Olympics. "Shame on y’all!"
Reminds us this is on Tongva land and reads Wesson and MHD the riot act.
Next caller says "Casey Wasserman is worth about $400M. I make about $40K. Can Casey pay for this?"

Reminds us that this council doesn’t care about children when they’re ripping them out of vacant state owned property the day before a holiday. #CancelTheOlympics
Council closes comment after 30 minutes (and starting 20 minutes late, again). Not a single breath of Olympic support and just an avalanche of amazing, informed thoughts and questions to underscore how deeply unwanted #LA28 is.
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