15th #IfGDataBites starting now: https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/events/data-bites-15-getting-things-done-data-government

- @LDN_CDO & @EddieACopeland on data sharing in London
- @foodgov on user focused tools
- @LeoDensian @HighwaysEngland on valuing data
- @DWPDigital on A/B testing

. @GavinFreeguard kicks off with some, erm, 'witty' Christmas puns - a line-up of no turkeys, a GDPR-compliant naughty list...

Lots of new @instituteforgov data work this work from:

- Ministerial resignations: https://twitter.com/GavinFreeguard/status/1331619489910231042

- Digital govt during the pandemic: https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/publications/digital-government-coronavirus

- 20yrs of FOI...where transparency is declining: https://twitter.com/GavinFreeguard/status/1333334723171586051

. @LDN_CDO and @EddieACopeland start by explaining the London datastore and how London councils are sharing data to improve collaboration

To support the Covid-19 recovery, LOTI brought together public service leaders to agree principles on data sharing

Great methodology for data collection and analysis - ask 'what would be done differently if we had the data?' not 'what data do we have?' @EddieACopeland

LOTI have put together clear steps to reduce number of separate data agreements, and reduce time it takes to share data e.g. Information Sharing Agreements

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