Potentially (?) helpful thread for student MH nurses

-Vitamin D deficiency can cause people to present as manic
-Infections can cause presentation of psychosis (look for increased WBC in bloods) - (notoriously, UTIs in older adults)
-Tachycardia in pts with malnutrition could be potassium/sodium deficit
-Side effects are often mistaken for symptoms (akathisia - agitation, sedation - depressive symptoms)
-Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome is a killer (physical obs when commencing APs are v important)
-Extrapyramidal side effects from antipsychotics can be dangerous (using LUNSERS is a good way to measure these)
-Low BP on admission could be from recommending antipsychotics (pt wasn’t taking these in community)
-Low BP/high pulse - possible dehydration, push fluids!
-Constipation as a side effect from meds/poly pharmacy can be embarrassing to mention, however can be physically dangerous (impacted bowels can also cause increased mental distress)
-Benzodiazepine withdrawal after prolonged use causes acute agitation so be sure to get accurate history of patients prescription (communication between services can and does fail)
-Antipsychotics cause hypersensitivity to sunlight so encourage sun cream/SPF when pt is outdoors
-Sexual dysfunction is common with psychotropics and can also be embarrassing to talk about for pts (this can greatly impact relationships and discussion should be encouraged with staff they feel comfortable with)
These are all things I’ve learnt along my journey on placements etc, so I thought I’d share. If anything I’ve written is incorrect, feel free to correct me. I think understanding the relationship between mental and physical health is v important :)
*recommencing (apologies) 🤣
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