I'm not sure how to address this but it's a convo that needs to be had. This will be messy.

There's a responsibility issue with systems trying to purposely create introjects.

This is NOT anti parogenic (tulpa). This is about responsibly.
Imagine you suddenly wake up in a new world surrounded by strangers. Some might look really scary. The rules of physics don't seem to apply. You are cut off from loved ones, pets, kids, everyone and everything you know. How do you feel?
This is scary and lonely. Then you learn there's no way to leave and there's no way to even contact your loved ones. You're stuck with this existence and memories you're told either aren't real and never were or worse...that they belong to someone else.
This is what a lot of introjects feel. In a healthy system you find ways to help but that first bit of time is really difficult and sometimes downright terrifying.
Take in all that. Really sit with it. Now imagine someone saying "I'm trying to create XX person from XX media, because they're awesome!"

You can imagine how an introject heavy system feels about that.

Yeah we may be awesome but I wouldn't do it in purpose.
A lot of systems get their introjects on accident. There's a fair amount of guilt that comes with seeing that struggle, and for some they never truly get over it. It's just a part of being plural for a lot of us. And not always a fun part, especially for the introject.
Some systems of all system types not just parogenic, have found a way to either heavily influence or outright call forth introjects.

Some are actually trying this with no thought to who or why or what that person will experience.

That's not okay.
You are bringing life into your system for lack of better descriptors. You are making a new part of system and saddling them with not only all of the above but the responsibility to be who you thought they were and do want you thought they would do.
This isn't something to do because XX is so cool! They may start as fictional characters but the minute they land they have all the feelings and traumas and fears as if they were real people...in some cases they were real people.
As we understand it responsible parogenic systems have a process to how they do things. A way to ease transition and they may or may not always come with the full bag of issues. Parogenics please correct us if we stated this wrong or badly.
However we are aware of systems that claim a variety of labels that aren't responsible.

It needs to stop. This isn't a game where you collect your crew and save the world.

This is the complexity of existing
Don't try to create introjects just because. Be responsible.
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