Thread: I’ve put together a list of some of Ireland’s most important museums & libraries. Each has an important collection & is currently reopening. As a country with 20% of our native born people living abroad & with a rich & unique history they represent the best in us.
The National Gallery is one of the finest globally with a rich & superb collection. Artists represented range from Vermeer to Velázquez & from Rembrandt to Raphael. The stunning Dutch collection is indicative of the Irish love of the art of the Low Countries.
For Christmas I have a special offer on my original ink drawings. When you buy one, you can choose a second one free
The Hugh Lane Municipal Gallery of Modern Art is the oldest modern gallery in Europe & best such art collection in Ireland. It includes the Francis Bacon Studio & a group of his works, as well as an exciting collection of international & contemporary artists. . @TheHughLane
The National Museum of Ireland has several locations. The main one on Kildare St., Dublin hosts Ireland’s magnificent archaeological collections including the Tara Brooch & Derrynaflan Chalice & other Celtic masterpieces. It holds Irish artefacts from the Stone Age to today
Crawford Art Gallery, Cork. This a national cultural institution which holds a representative collection of Irish art - with a special holding of works by women artists. The museum is much loved by Cork people
The Model, Home of the Niland Collection, Sligo. The Model is one of the country’s best collections of Irish modern art with a special focus on the work of Jack B Yeats. Yeats was the brother of the poet & the Irish establishment artist for much of the 20th C
Limerick City Gallery of Art. Limerick is a major cultural centre for art & heritage. The City Art Gallery hosts an impressive collection of Irish art as well as regular exhibits & community engagement. It’s one of my favourite museums.
Hunt Museum, Limerick. One of Ireland’s greatest jewels, this collection of superb artefacts includes everything from a model of a horse believed to be by Leonardo to Picasso, Giacometti, Renoir & Henry Moore amongst others.
Highlanes Gallery Drogheda. Since opening in 2006, the Highlanes has rapidly become the most exciting gallery outside of Dublin. It has a growing permanent collection of Irish art as well as hosting regular exhibitions.
Irish Jewish Museum, Dublin. Based in an old synagogue it hosts an important collection of artefacts & memorabilia related to the Irish Jewish community. Modern Irish artist Harry Kernoff & George Bernard Shaw lived nearby.
Gallery of Photography, Dublin. This is the country’s finest gallery for photography exhibitions & is paired with the National Library’s Photo Gallery opposite it. A must visit in Dublin & adjacent to the Irish Film Institute (Independent movies)
Old Library, Trinity College Dublin. This is the oldest library, 1712-33, (& one of many) in the University. It holds a superb collection of manuscripts, early printed books & collections. Of its 6 million books the greatest treasure is the 800AD Book of Kells.
Irish Museum of Modern Art. The Museum is at Kilmainham & occupies a 17th C Building. There is a small conservative collection & regular exhibitions. The nicest part of the museum is the 16th garden reconstruction. It is occasionally the site of national commemorative events
Chester Beatty Library, Dublin Castle. The Library is probably the finest collection of Far & Middle Eastern art & writing in Western Europe. It has the oldest believed copies of the Koran, Talmud & Christian Gospels. There is a superb collections of prints (Goya to Dürer)
Castletown House & Russborough House. Ireland is strewn with Georgian palaces - of which these two are amongst the finest. Castletown is probably the largest & it’s print room & Italian salon major survivals. Russborough probably has the finest plasterwork in Ireland
Glebe House & Gallery Donegal. The Glebe Gallery has a small but choice collection of art. Artists represented include Stanley Spencer, Camille Souter, Victor Pasmore, Picasso, Guttuso, Landseer & Hokusai
James Joyce Centre. Ireland’s many world famous writers have a number of museums, festivals & summer schools devoted to them. Joyce immortalised the city in his masterpiece Ulysses (1922). The Centre has regular exhibitions as well as a permanent display in an 18th C mansion
Marsh’s Library, Dublin. Ireland is a nation of libraries, many with important national & international collections. Even local ones have expert librarians to help. Marsh’s is the oldest public library (1707 AD) in the country & a hymn to literature
Ross Castle, Killarney, Co Kerry. I’ve chosen the 15th C Ross Tower in the wilderness that is the National Park - expertly restored & furnished to represent the many castles, big & small, around the island
Rock of Cashel, Co Tipperary. Probably the greatest monument in Ireland & anciently the seat of the Kings of Munster. Much of the site is 12-13th C. Of particular note are the Round Tower (c1100AD) & Cormac’s Chapel (1127AD) - a masterpiece of Hiberno-Romanesque
Waterford Treasures Museum. It’s redevelopment & integration of historic sites is exceptional. Visit it’s dedicated website to learn more about this amazing museum: 
Natural History Museum, Dublin. Known to Dubliners as The Dead Zoo this Victorian survival has enthralled (& horrified) children for generations. It was founded during a 19th C craze for exploring & collecting every known beast from whales to snails.
The National Library of Ireland was founded in 1877 & its Dublin reading room has been used by generations of Irish writers. It has multiple collections including 8 million items as well as manuscripts of writers such as Yeats, Joyce & Heaney.
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