The Persona:

Definition and significance of the contrast between the western and eastern approaches towards it.

As our etymological origin suggests, the persona is the mask used by an actor to perform a certain character in the theater. Psychologically speaking... It is a mechanism interchanging masks/appearances to perform a certain role within society (...)
As a result of a compromise between the individual and the society. This, as you may expect results in the persona having more to do with the culture, and that particular role of the individual within the culture. And little with the personality of the individual himself.

Culturally, The Persona is more important in eastern cultures.

Historically, the role of the individual within society has been a lot more important than his distinctive characteristics.

This is why in eastern philosophical currents we often see the ego labeled as evil (...)
And within society a constant pressure for the individual to meet certain expectations.

In opposition to the western current in which the emphasis comes to the individual, his liberty, and responsibility.

Both have their advantages:

The eastern current creates a more (...)
Solid, and engrained culture and society.

While western culture creates people with more capacity for critical thinking and to stand for themselves as individuals, which makes it more likely for them to fit into leadership roles.

Besides the IQ factor which of course plays a fundamental role.

Eastern culture tends to be more traditional, durable, & interdependent. But this also makes it more likely for individuals to not tolerate higher levels of pressure and individual responsibility, therefore, (...)
When competing in global labor markets, they tend to be workers.

While on the contrary... Western culture tends to be less stable, and less engrained, but also to create individuals with more willingness to take risks and therefore be at the top/forefront of the industry.
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