A full DoD research wing investigating UFOs / UAP
Significant suggestion here these craft are piloted by non-human intelligence
Pentagon briefing Senate Intelligence Committee staffers
"Shocking" briefings, and confirmation UFOs are not confined to Aerial activity (does this suggest underwater encounters, or retrieved craft?)
Reports included a photograph, taken from a personal cell phone inside an F/A-18, of a silver hovering cube object, 35k feet in the air. This photo has been seen by multiple members of the US intelligence community and was taken within 1k feet of the object.
The intelligence community believe these objects very well may be of non-human or alien origin
Reports included a different, "extremely clear" photograph of a triangle shaped object
The photo of the triangular craft was taken as the object emerged from beneath the waves of the ocean and accelerated vertically
The objects are believed by the intelligence community to be Trans-Medium; operating both in the air and under the seas
The UAP / UFOs are being tracked via Falling Angel systems.
Buried in the article, but confirmation Elizondo was responsible for AATIP, and in charge of studying UAP.
No solid evidence of what the UAPs / UFOs are, though hypothesis are being explored; suggests government run crash retrieval / storage, and some similar stories (Lazar) have limited factual basis
No one willing to suggest, even off the record, these are US weapons systems, or foreign weapons systems. Absolutely no clear explanation.
And that's it! No photograph leaks, but tons of new information, including the existence of multiple interagency reports in the intelligence community, and acknowledgement of the existence of several unreleased photographs not released to the public.
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