Late last week, provisional ballots were counted and our race got certified. Our race became even closer, but we fell short. I know the outcome is not what we were expecting and working so hard towards, but we must not lose perspective. 1/

Photo Credit: Matt Ferry
In the most divisive time our country has ever faced, we brought ppl together-& that matters. I am proud to have had the support of Dems, Republicans, Independents, & even people who "don't do politics." & that is a great accomplishment. 2/
We ran a principled, progressive campaign that modeled to others that there is a different way to do politics. 3/
Only in our country can a young immigrant girl beat cancer (x3), survive a fatal car accident, be raised by a disabled parent, become a scientist & run for public office. All of those things happened not bc of who I am but bc of who we are as Americans and where our values lie.4/
We must not lose sight of who we are and what we stand for--it is more important now than ever. 5/
On Monday, I called John and asked him to lead with empathy as the next Rep of District 97. Our country and state have some hard times ahead, and we must stay committed to the work. It will be up to us to hold our newly elected officials accountable. 6/
It has been the honor of my life to be in this fight with you at my side. Our values will always be worth the fight.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

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