the Arteta situation is probably the most intriguing I’ve come across as a football fan. You’d imagine he has a very well versed and intellectual understanding of the game. Yet recent games have proven the opposite
you’d assume his pragmatism is more to do with lack of quality personnel rather than his philosophy, but a year into the job and I’m seriously beginning to question that. Arsenal’s transfer window was substandard, and teams around them have improved
but not the level that would result in such an regression? Let’s have it right, Arsenal stifled Utd very well at OT and progressed decently through midfield.. but what was evident last season was their inability to progress through teams who too are pragmatic
their games against Leicester, Villa and Wolves their progression through Mf was non-existent, and in fact they couldn’t even do the basics right. What was key in the Villa and Wolves defeats were the players body language... almost looking lost
this is why I am now starting to question Arteta, I think a lot of his current issues are down to inexperience. His final PL squad choices have somewhat set him up to fail, I don’t know what he expects a midfield of Ceballos and Xhaka to produce against opposition who sit deep
short term fixes in amongst long term planning are necessary but the signings of Willian and Cedric, clearly declining and surplus at their previous clubs, and expecting them to produce for Arsenal reliably is poor esp. when most teams can boast better plyrs in the same position
I’ve said before, Arteta’s approach/philosophy means they’re more likely to get results against bigger sides this ssn, but they’re only arguably 4-6 of those in the league. You have to start somewhere true, but it should be given to be beating the smaller teams
Is it a case that Arteta simply does not trust his players? This seems to suggest it is more than just that, because failed progression through midfield screams poor quality but no passing networks at all? This is clearly an instruction/coaching
Arsenal lost 1-0 at the Ethiad earlier this ssn, they were good defensively but Pep shut down their Auba link which was used devastatingly in the FA cup, it was only a matter of time before teams got wise to this
I just find Arteta’s extreme pragmatism very strange. Auba up top is even more isolated than when he was at LW. Seems he is managing in fear, a mixture of inexperience & poor quality players.. I struggle to see a fix anytime soon but football is funny old game, things can change
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