The concept of elo hell is fascinating to me. Really, the frustration with losing -- IDK, maybe it takes a certain temperament. In sports there's the concept of plateauing 1/???
and the difference between a pro (or anyone who makes gains) is the willingness to keep bashing your head against a wall, over and over again, until you get over that hurdle. even if it takes weeks, months -- years.
even if it means continually losing. there are people who can take that, and people who can't. most people can't.

but in a hobby that prides itself so much on SKILL and CHALLENGE this is particularly lol to me
multiplayer is inherently stressful, if not for you then the person you're killing. that is the thing about playing against humans. they do not act the way you want them to, when you want them to. that IS the thrill.
the unfortunate thing with games, unlike sports, is that folks perpetually expect a power fantasy even when against other flesh and blood people

you can't all be god at once! someone loses! someone will eat shit!
perhaps the only multiplayer fandom that understands this is the fighting game community, where it's encouraged for you to eat shit to get better / everyone understands they will continually eat shit (and be GRATEFUL for it)
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