How to become an expert and charge $4,000 minimum.

Part 2: How to build a service-based agency

{{Hint: This can make you $25k easy!}}
For this thread, I am assuming you have:

1. No results
2. No testimonials
3. No previous clients
And if you haven't already,

Here's the part 1
What you'll be learning:

1. How to position yourself so your prospects don't ask for testimonials?
2. How to get those clients?
3. How much you should charge them?

You don't have to:

> bEG them and say I am willing to work for free

This usually puts all the risk on the other person.

They have to:
> Train you
> Teach you
> Pay for your mistakes

Not worth it for them.
Then what?

You have to position yourself as an expert.

Caution: If you are not confident of getting results, don't do this.

You have to KNOW that you'll get them the results you promised.

If not, go learn more and practice more.
Okay, now that you have
1. A high ROI skill
2. An irresistible offer
3. An expert positioning

All you need to do is outreach.

I'll teach you:
You'll use cold email.

Not LinkedIn outreach.
Not Instagram video DMS.

Just cold email.
Here's @blackhatwizardd script::

Hey, {{name}}. {{First line}}

{{One sentence case study}}

Would you be free for a quick call this week or next week?
These work really well.

In fact, my whole agency runs on this script.

*With just a small tweak*
"100% money-back + $100 extra if you don't make more money"

Yeah, I write this in my first email.

This is how I got my 3 clients for the agency.
Remember: You've to eliminate all risk from your prospect's end to make him reply to you.
Now Matthew made this really good thread about video audits in a cold email.

But the only problem with this method is:
1. I couldn't really scale this like the normal cold emails.
2. Plus email deliverability took a hit.
So, me being me, mixed both the methods and found a goldmine.

I sent out a campaign for my client and got a whopping 27% reply rate from 109 emails!
I told the prospects that I'd recorded a 125-second loom video for their specific problem and could send it to them if they replied.
No video audit in the initial email which would've skyrocketed the time and effort.

No blurred pictures as deliverability took a hit cause of that.

Instead, I asked them to give a commitment and then asked VA to record a quick video if they replied with a yes.
But what do you show on your video?

You go their website & case studies (to make them feel at home) and then talk about their mistakes and problems in the first 150 seconds, next 90 seconds about your 'productized' solution (remember?).
Pro tip: If you have results SHOW them.

CTA should be to book a call with you
Subject line:
I made a video for {{first name}}

Hey {{name}}. {{Personalised first line}}

One sentence case study or 2 ideas for you.

I made a quick video explaining the whole process.

It''ll take you less than 5 minutes to watch so reply with "Interested"/"Yes" and I'll send it over to you!

If they reply,

Use loom to record a video with the format above and send it within the same thread.

*Never send a separate email*
Here's the video you requested

video link

If you want to talk about how we can help you do this, schedule a quick no-pressure call 'here'

You should determine the value you will be giving first.

And by value, I don't mean a random hypothetical number.

Deep market research, your service, and your confidence to get the results.

Now you know the value.
Next, study your competitors.

How much are the others charging?

Charge 10% less for your first client.

20% more after you get results for your first client.
If you found this thread useful,

Retweet it so I can release the part 3 soon
You can follow @Devesh_wy.
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