"Michael Flynn has been given a sweeping pardon that absolves him of future offenses that 'might arise'. This is like a reverse Minority Report for pre-crime. He's getting pre-pardoned for pre-crimes." -- @gaslitnation https://www.patreon.com/posts/purge-44566076
"The pardon is also sweeping due to the volume of past crimes Flynn committed: lying to FBI, trying to kidnap Turkish cleric in US, unregistered foreign agent for Russia and Turkey, illegally trying to sell nuclear material to Saudis..." -- @gaslitnation https://www.patreon.com/posts/purge-44566076
"It's worth looking again at what Flynn pled guilty to lying to the FBI about: working with Russia to manipulate a UN law over Israeli settlements. The witness to this, Russian ambassador to the UN Churkin, died six days after Flynn left office in 2017." https://www.patreon.com/posts/purge-44566076
Below is the original charge for Flynn. The "very senior member" listed is Kushner.

So again, you have a collaboration between Israel, Russia, and rogue Americans making illicit trade-offs on policy, with Kushner and Flynn at the center. -- @gaslitnation https://www.patreon.com/posts/purge-44566076
"Flynn was let loose with his pardon because he's a really good hype man. He knows how to work the crowd. He and his son pushed Pizzagate, the original QAnon. He's great at leveraging the weapon of conspiracy theories." -- @AndreaChalupa on @gaslitnation https://www.patreon.com/posts/purge-44566076
"They create a culture where people become so brainwashed that they act. They become vicious and violent. This is what we've seen again and again under Trumpism, and Flynn will be Mr. Disinformation." -- @AndreaChalupa on @gaslitnation https://www.patreon.com/posts/purge-44566076
Proving @AndreaChalupa's point, which she made yesterday morning, Flynn is now leading the call for the coup: https://twitter.com/bradheath/status/1334130843137269761?s=19
"Flynn is abetting Trump's attempted coup, which is ongoing. The disinfo, threats of violence, refusal to concede, lawsuits -- they're ongoing. People have gotten used to it, because it's been a month, but you should *never* get used to it." @gaslitnation https://www.patreon.com/posts/purge-44566076
"It's notable that Flynn -- much like Bolton, Mattis, Pompeo, and the other Trump admin goons -- is *obsessed* with war in Iran. And so they've decided to spotlight him now, as the attempted coup and fledgling war play out simultaneously." -- @gaslitnation https://www.patreon.com/posts/purge-44566076
"Technically, one cannot pardon future crimes. This is why legal experts are like WTF over Flynn.

"But for autocrats, something is against the law until they rewrite the law itself. It's against protocol until they do it -- and then it becomes precedent." https://www.patreon.com/posts/purge-44566076
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