Finishing off prepping a presentation for this evening for young teachers and education workers. Genuine question - why does this stuff not get talked about more? 1/5
Given the scale of the retention crisis in teaching, and the availability of this data which consistently shows England’s poor performance, why does the whole system not demand action for a problem that is so transparent? 2/5
My argument to the young teachers tonight will be that if they can’t find a way to change the system, then they likely won’t be in the system for very long (look at the data). That’s the reality. To pretend to them otherwise seems to me to be a deception. 3/5
Am I being negative and ‘talking down the profession’ (it’s not me - it’s the data!)? Or is urging teachers to find an alternative to sinking and/or quitting the honest and responsible thing to do? 4/5
My sense is that marketisation and managerialism have contributed to a toxic positivity which means that asking awkward questions is considered a sign of disloyalty, dissent and/or disaffection. If that’s the case it’s a bad place for any education institution to be. 5/5
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