I ask myself all the time. Do you niggas wanna win or do you want to be right. https://twitter.com/thehill/status/1333922606014214147
A former leader of the free world.
Who ran on the most progressive platform since potentially the new deal until the Biden Harris campaign and won. Is telling you a simple fact of life. A fact that anybody who took a basic into to marketing class will echo.
Branding matters.
Do you know the shit Barack Obama has seen. That he knows.
Do you know the hell he went through to get some niggas some healthcare...to get some decent food in public schools.
Messaging and branding matters.
Let me tell you up east & west coast big city democrats something. Niggas in the south don’t read articles.
The states who hold the votes you need to pass major pieces of legislation also have some of the lowest education levels in the developed world.
You have to break shit down to its lowest common denominator.
If they have to do any sort of research on it they won’t and then they will vote against it.
These the same folks who said they love the ACA but hate Obamacare.
Those are the votes you need.
So I ask you again you fucking idiots. Do you want to win or do you want to be right.
I’m from the south.
I live in Dallas Texas.
I am a Collin county democrat.
Do you know what ads they ran against us this time?
Do you know why Texas didn’t flip?
Because they called us radical socialists who want to defund the police.
They told stupid ignorant white people in rural Texas that democrats were radical socialists who would take the police away and that they would get their hour broken into and nobody would come.
That’s what republicans said & it worked.
Listen to Barack. He is right.
I want to win. I want to win because I have to win. My literal life depends on it. I am willing to do or say whatever needs to occur to win.
I want votes by any means necessary in order to ensure that one day my kids won’t have to live in this same type of world
I don’t care how much pride I have to swallow to ensure that legislation is palatable to white folks if it means that one day I don’t have to fear for my life when I get pulled over by a cop.
I’m not letting these white progressives who never really been through shit talk to me
Do you know the shit our ancestors had to deal with to get us to where we are? The respectability politics they had to play...the shit they had to eat. The pills they had to swallow & you elite ass I am not my ancestors ass niggas won’t do a fucking rebrand?
Man fuck y’all
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