MYTH: The speed with which the vaccine was created means it's unsafe

FACT: The standards for safety and effectiveness have not changed due to the speed of production and testing – and it is still subject to independent regulation
MYTH: It's comparable to the Thalidomide scandal of the 1950s

FACT: Dr Ruth Blue, from the Thalidomide Society, said not only were they not comparable, but it was a "bit insulting" Thalidomide survivors were suddenly being championed by anti-vaxxers to suit their own ends
MYTH: Bill Gates is using the vaccine to secretly microchip the world

FACT: This likely originated from a study partly funded by Gates's foundation where they developed an approach to encode medical history In a patient

It was not tried on humans, and no microchips were used
(Additionally, if you're that worried about being tracked you should probably log off Twitter and put down the tracking device you're currently using to scroll...)
MYTH: One of the first vaccine trial participants, Dr Elisa Granato, has died

FACT: No, she has not
MYTH: Vaccines alter your DNA

FACT: No, they don't. They comprise mRNA that gives the body instructions on how to make proteins on the surface of the virus
Sadly, there are loads still circulating and I'd be here forever if I tried to tweet and debunk them all.

I spoke to Tom Phillips from @FullFact who said the disinformation plays on some of the "more legitimate" concerns about the vaccine
He told me: "It’s really on the authorities and on the vaccine manufacturers to do a good job of showing the evidence and earning the trust of the public.”

And before sharing anything about the vaccine, ask yourself, 'Is this a reliable, trustworthy, reputable source?'
⚡️ “Foetus cells, microchips and Thalidomide: vaccine myths debunked”
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