If the last four years taught us anything is that the majority of the media is trash. For access and under fear of reprisal via tweet, the fourth estate faltered. For as much damage as the president did to the country, the media irreparably harmed their overall reputation.
From the NYT completely showing its ass by not significantly challenging Trump to the compost daiquiri of online magazines, like Politico. Views should never supplant decency and the ability to challenge administrations.
I mention Heather Heyer often because the anguish on her mama's face is something I'll never forget. "very fine people" wasn't as big of a deal as it should have been. The media allowed bigots to roam unchecked and undeterred. Why is it so hard to call a racist, a racist?
If members of marginalized communities were committing these crimes, the media would have no qualm with shouting outrage. It's simple, money and views have replaced integrity.
This isn't even about Fox News. They've been a hatfull of assholish execution since my hair was all one color. CNN and MSNBC have let their viewers down..
CNN hires Trumpers to straight up lie, unchallenged and it gets laughed off. Van Jones, that malevolent Milk Dud kisses pruny bigot Jeffrey Lord on the cheek as a sign of unity. Nah, it's a sign of a network teabagging the common sense of the viewer.
CNN lets Jason Miller, the human embodiment of moose droppings said the Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer had hate in her heart. This was hours after the FBI stopped a plot to kidnap her. I'm sorry, she has a right to be pissed off. Meanwhile, Miller collected a CNN check.
MSNBC allows Morning Joe to similarly kiss up to the administration, insult HRC and pimp his godawful Truman book.

Also, what happened to Andrea Mitchell? If she were a garbanzo, she'd be a has-bean. Her vitriol stays misdirected. They shuffled off Chris Matthews. It's her turn.
We live in an odd time. More access to information, but a greatly diminished pool of reliable media outlets. I'd trust a big butt and a smile before most media outlets. That approach in itself is..
Some said "you wouldn't take a TV job on a big network?"

No. I'd calmly tell someone off and check them on their bullshit. Zucker at CNN and whoever runs the show at MSNBC care nothing about facts. They're mostly news entertainment, Maddow aside.
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