It doesn't have to be this way. @GovBillLee, your patchwork ‘fend for yourself’ approach to #COVID19 has failed. Since you 1st rejected pleas from health experts for a coordinated, state approach and mask mandate outbreak has only gotten worse. So, @GovBillLee: #WhatNowLee?
... @GovBillLee, now schools and businesses are struggling to stay open and every day we’re seeing more, entirely avoidable, hospitalizations and deaths while our hospitals run out of room. @GovBillLee, #WhatNowLee?
... @GovBillLee, your refusal to lead has led to others refusing to lead. Counties without mask requirements are undermining the progress of those that do, endangering the lives of the businesses, teachers, parents all trying to do the right thing. @GovBillLee, #WhatNowLee?
... @GovBillLee, our local businesses, parents, teachers and neighborhoods shouldn't have to face this global pandemic all on their own. We know we can beat COVID, but we need to do it together. @GovBillLee, #WhatNowLee?
... @GovBillLee, issue the statewide mask mandate & coordinated plan health experts have said we’ve needed for months to get #COVID19 under control. Businesses need support to do the right thing, and employees, parents, healthcare workers, teachers need protection. #WhatNowLee?
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