Two things I read recently on time management helped me understand the difference between creative work and everything else on my schedule.

1. Paul G’s post on Makers Schedule
2. Naval’s tweet on having only two problem solving hours in a day.
A downside to law school and the legal profession is it teaches you neither to be a manager nor to protect your creative time.

What it does teach you is to endure more problem solving/creative hours than is probably healthy.
When I left law 10 years ago, I needed to find a way to get paid well to make/problem solve. And I wanted it to be in software (I don’t code).
So I discovered sales management in SaaS and made that my 2nd career. I didn’t officially get paid to create, but I got paid on performance. Don’t tell anyone, but I was really faking it. I became a very mediocre manager that produced very good revenue results.
I did this by focusing on 2 things. Generating leads, and designing good sales stories. It turns out if you can get good at that part your sales team and leadership will forgive you for being late a lot, not being great at pipeline management, etc.
But one huge problem was that I was spending 70% of my time managing, but all the upside was from the 30% I was spending creating/writing/designing.
And what I ultimately realized was that as long as I was working for someone else, I would need to be faking it as a manger in order to justify my salary.
Now, two years+ into entrepreneurship, I can tell you that I’m squarely 70% creative and 30% management. And it’s f*cking wonderful.
And now as I read articles like Paul Gs, it occurs to me that I should have made the move a long time ago. Should have turned down the management dial and gone out on my own. Only 30% of my time to creative for 7+ years was a damn waste of time.

But here we are! Made it out.
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