Are you a fun guy who will be able to bring out the best in us? 🧐🥳

If you want your lover to enjoy her time with you and get carried away in the moment

Then you'll want to do these things...
1. Don't take yourself so seriously! 😠

You might be our leader but please don't try and control things that are out of your hands 🤷‍♀️

Going with the flow is fun! You can guide our direction but don't force it! 🧘‍♂️

When something goes wrong, let's laugh and not cry! 😎
2. Be comfortable teasing us ☺

Some guys walk on eggshells around girls because they think they risk messing everything up by saying the wrong thing 😅

Being "offensive" is 1 million times better and more fun than being polite!!

Say what you like 😎
3. Have your good energy rub off on us! ✨

Be higher energy than us and don't let anything affect your mood! 🥳

We will naturally catch your good mood.

Whatever you feel, we'll feel eventually, so make it exciting 🤠
4. Trust your own ideas 😎

Hesitating and being indecisive is the opposite of fun because you're over thinking 🤯

This isn't going with the flow!

We'll do whatever you want to do when we can feel your enthusiasm for it 😍
5. Don't worry about money because you'll just make more of it 🤑

Let's only make money so we don't have to think about money!

Please don't over spend but don't be cheap either because that limits the fun.

Find the perfect balance of spending Vs saving ✨
6. Always be a sexual man 😈

Inject a little bit of sex into everything that we do, so that it's always on our minds in a subtle way 🤤

Show us that you are bursting with sexual confidence and aren't afraid to let us feel the same way around you 😍

This is so much better than having an On/Off switch for sex 🤨

It keeps us both always On! 😜

Then it will be easier to get right into doing crazy things when we get the chance.

If you'd like to open up your lover to all of your crazy ideas, it is easier than you think...
You can have her try anything, WITHOUT having to ask her to change a thing 🧐

You can do this by inspiring her submission, rather than forcing it 😎

If you'd like the super simple step by step guide to doing this, then take a look at this now ⬇️ 
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