11./ No wonder kids end up seeing Blockers as essential. Not least because they're presented as just the first step towards transition. This @mygenderation video offers transition as a hormone paradise in which "my body became an ever-changing landscape that hormones resculpted".
12./ It appears to suggest hormones will allow you to have great sex and even get rid of fat. Imagine the impact on a 14 year old hearing that. This video from @mygenderation suggests the earlier you transition the better. "I wouldn't have had to go through the wrong puberty". 👇
13./ Videos like this boost the DEMAND from kids by selling a fabulous future. What about the SUPPLY? I loathed my puberty. Luckily I didn't meet this therapist from @GIRESUK who seems to be on a mission to put little boys on Puberty Blockers as early as possible. 👇
17./ Blockers can also rely on cheerleaders like Pink News. They ridiculed evidence about a a study of Blockers on sheep. This was the biggest animal trial conducted on the drugs, was run in association with Norway's leading GI clinic and revealed serious mental impairment.👇
19./ Why does this matter? Advocates of blockers say they give kids time to think. But the BRAIN does our thinking. And if the adolescent brain is to develop the ability to do that properly it has to go through puberty which changes it dramatically, as @sjblakemore explains.
20./ Teens are ill-equipped to consent to taking powerful drugs while their brains are in the throes of such a radical transformation. Whatsmore we already know teens take many more risks and understand their consequences less than adults. 👇 https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2011/10/beautiful-brains/
21./ And attitudes to risk becomes less rational when they're with their friends. Laurence Steinberg's work shows teens feel peer pressure viscerally and it makes them take greater risks. Gender non conforming teens have a tribe of peers online willing them on to take blockers.
22./ Here's a trans man telling kids blockers "are a really great thing" which will stop the effects of a puberty "you were mentally not meant to go through" and it will stop "all the changes you don't want to happen". He's the online equivalent of a mate saying drive faster!
23./ Unfiltered advice from kids online is immensely powerful for kids. Personal testimony has a ring of authenticity. But this often presents blockers as a magical cure all. Here a young trans man describes how they "gave me such a boost in happiness" and reduced anxiety. 👇
24./ The High Court says kids "must understand the impact" of Blockers. What chance have they got when they're assailed by non-stop propaganda from young advocates, charlatans, profit-making pharmacies and idiotic TV producers? That's an impact no child could possibly understand.
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