i use astrology as a gateway to talk about intergenerational trauma with racialized youth. as a Black educator, i have witnessed how much euro-centric psychology has completely denied them the language to talk about their particular experiences of interpersonal violence
mostly euro-centric psychology erases the mytho-poetic worlds of non-yt people all while projecting negative racial stereotypes that contribute to their pathologization and eventually their feelings of alienation
i have worked with so many psychologists who were incapable of creating consistent therapeutical relationships with our youth and so many of them couldn't grasp how i was capable of engaging deeply with them without a psych. degree
what made me laugh is that most of the youth didn't talk to them because they were WHITE. none of the psychologists were willing to acknowledge the racialised aspect of their relationship hence why i was constantly either deemed "unprofessional" or "lucky" to be that close
to them. i was either seen as the "too cool" educator or the "educator without professional boundaries": there were all ways to question my competencies as a Black woman and because i refused to be contained by a labelling that merely calls for social normalisation
I have spent the last 3 years developing liberatory + decolonial care practices that have allowed me to develop solid relationships with the youth because they trust me enough to invest into their development and liberation
astrology has allowed them to connect to their collective and personal narratives with a sense of intellectual detachment that allows them to understand the cultural schemes that condition the ways in which their explore their cognitive/subconscious realities
astrology has beautiful healing qualities beyond it's obvious spiritual connotations: it helps the youth develop an attachment to a belief system that supports them in recreating a deeper and more positive relationship with themselves. it helps them develop self-accountability
and an intellectual flexibility that actually has neurological benefits because it triggers an oxytocin relief that recreates a biological feeling of being connected to something greater and securing.
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