Dear butthurt hindus,
I've seen your victim play card. You become outrageous when someone mocks your religion and your gods. You call that practice "hinduphobia". I want to ask you some questions.
( a thread)
You feel insulted when your gods are mockingly depicted.
1. Where are you when millions of your fellow hindu dalits are discriminated in the caste, dalits are beaten severely by upper castes for fetching water from public wells. Where is the hindu brotherhood?
2. Where are you when lower caste children face segregation from the teachers of schools in rural areas?
3. You claim hinduism is feminist, and Kali is shakti, then why there is anti-women practices such as dowry, and female infanticide practiced among hindus? Why do you block women from getting divorce even when they can't survive their abusive spouses?
4. You say you love cattle, "cow is our family". Then why do you abuse cattle by forcibly impregnating it and forcibly separate it's offsprings and exploit it squeezing milk for your own purpose ( the milk which is meant for it's offsprings)?
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