$TDOC I think it’s not easy to grasp why chronic disease is a huge space/market. One of the most debilitating & chronic diseases - Diabetes Mellitus (Type 2), affects 1 in 10 Americans, and many worldwide. But why even bother measuring your blood sugar?
The problem with diabetes is that it is joined at the hip with devastating long term complications, especially for patients with poor control. Poorly controlled patients are at elevated risk for cardiovascular disease like stroke & heart attack.
These long term complications are devastating, as anyone with a major heart attack or stroke would know. But there are more complications less talked about - renal failure, diabetic foot ulcers leading to amputations, blindness etc.
The economic implications for the society & employers are huge - if one has to undergo rehabilitation after a stroke, go to dialysis centres frequently, suffer from blindness, or be confined to a wheelchair due to limb amputations.
Furthermore, a visit to Emergency department arising from such complications is extremely costly (opp cost too), compared to the price of good chronic disease control. It is in the financial interest of companies to have their employees healthy & functional
TDOC’s integrated end-to-end services would ensure that chronic diseases like Diabetes can be well managed through medications, regular medical consultations & remote healthcare monitoring of checkpoints like glucose levels.
Even a referral to Endocrinology (diabetes specialist) can be achieved in a fraction of the time. The possibilities are exciting & huge, and COVID has unleashed a new era of healthcare that will upend the traditional model of healthcare. Staying long.
You can follow @drstrange92.
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