Lots of great advice for residency applicants circulating on #TwitteRx right now.

One thing I don’t think we do a good enough job of doing is explaining to candidates how much of the process comes down to luck (good or bad). 🧵 1/5
I think this is so important because applicants pour their hearts and souls into applications and interviews and should know that sometimes, it has nothing to do with your past achievements or how you answered the interview questions. 2/5
A reviewer might miss a page on your CV or tabulate your interview score incorrectly. A new practitioner may not have as much experience with rating a certain attribute... or an experienced reviewer may be overconfident in their ability to rate that attribute. 3/5
Even the most well-designed of screening tools will not predict 100% of interview offers. Even the most highly structured of interviews will still get it wrong some of the time. 4/5
If things don’t turn out like you hope, try not to beat yourself up because it may be no fault of your own… it may just be a consequence of our highly imperfect system. 5/5
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