2) First red flag - [they] have shut down EVERY Patriot gofundme account EXCEPT two: this one and Pelosi's salon visit.


I will link to the decode on Pelosi's salon scam at the end of this thread.
3) I believe this to be not just an attempt at 'easily raised' funds paid for (again) by We The People, but also an attempt to get Patriots to cause civil unrest.

They want us pissed off and attacking LEO. They feed on it.

Let's see what's in this article...
4) Adam Skelly
119 >< 911

Adam Skelly = 103 > 0 is null > 13 > [their number]

Etobicoke = 85

If you don't believe in Gematria - that's ok. You don't have to.

The point is, THEY DO. Nothing is random.
5) "dragged away in handcuffs in front of a crowd"

Yep - that would incite some 'Patriotic anger', right?
6) "prohibition on indoor dining for at least 28 days"

"28 days" was a comm sent on Oct. 13. {again the 13]

Here's my thread on "28 Days" comms... https://twitter.com/TinkerTricity/status/1316013467325718531?s=20
8) "At 1 p.m., Toronto police announced that they had arrested Skelly."

1 p.m. = 13:00 military time

"A 33-year-old man was arrested"

33 > Freemason number that also shows up often in [their] comms.
9) "as the crowd yells in anger, “Shame!”"

Think. WHO yells this when truly angry? Really? In quotes to draw attention to it.

Shame =46
Chaos = 46
10) Following the "Read more" link to an article on "The Blaze"... stoking that fire.

"hit with 13 charges and fines"

They do love that number.
11) "For two days this week"

2 days = 48 hours

Interesting that the wiki page for the movie "48 Hours" was also updated on 11/26 at 15:51

Moloch = 66

Pay close attention to "proceed to stage a fight" in the plot.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/48_Hrs .
12) "one of the conditions for release was that he is not permitted to use social media"

Ask yourself why.
13) It is quite possible there are visual comms in the video within these articles - I did not delve into those.

Would be a good dig for anyone interested.

If you find something, please post it and let me know. I'll link to it here so we can keep the comms together.
14) Here is the link to the decode for Pelosi's Salon Con... https://twitter.com/TinkerTricity/status/1305191502507921412?s=20
15) Excellent find by @thenerddad616 on exactly what was updated on the "48 Hours" wiki page... https://twitter.com/thenerddad616/status/1334122320965808130?s=20
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