What's it like to learn a language intensively when you're dyslexic? I'm about a third of the way through my initial language learning journey with Polish, so I thought the time for a THREAD on my experiences 🪡
1) It's hard up front. I found it took a huge amount of effort to get going, and was tiring. Maintaining 3hrs of focussed attention in one on one lessons and then doing homework is tough. It was difficult to know when to push through the brain fog and when to rest and regroup.
2) It helps to automate organisation - I use Onenote on an ipad with an apple pencil to store my notes, alongside Google drive. Quizlet and now Anki help me to automate flashcards, but getting my system right took time (and it's still evolving - that's ok)
3) I helps to the right study environment time of day. I'm lucky to have a quiet room for my remote lessons and study, I've tried to keep to strict hours and found it better to have my lessons in afternoon when my energy levels were lower and a teacher would help me to focus.
4) Multi Sensory and bite size help - Podcasts, Twitter, Radio, YouTube all good. So does listening to pop songs with lyrics. I've included colours, pictures, and sounds on my anki flashcards (that took a while to work out!) But sometimes there's no escaping a grammar book...
5) Reframing information in my own style helps - I came up with my own colourful tables and diagrams which helped me to make sense of what I was being taught
6) Ask for what you need & be kind to yourself. I have been open about my dyslexia with my teachers and got reasonable adjustments. But I've also had a reckoning with some insecurities I picked up during my education, ie worries about being unprepared or not 'trying' hard enough.
7) Languages are about communication not perfection. Learning a language is a vulnerable process. I'm still working on letting go of perfection, having a go, rewording to make things more simple and generally embracing getting things wrong.
8) Find your 'why?'. What interests you about the language and why are you learning? I've enjoyed using my Polish to decipher some family history and get into Polish cookery. I've found the exams and thinking myself into my upcoming role a good focus too
9) Find your way - as the saying goes when you've met one dyslexic...you've met one dyslexic. I'm lucky to enjoy language learning and I find it does get easier after the painful initial hump but I know for many dyslexics it is really hard throughout, so find what works for you
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