Prepping for next term’s online teaching, I am running all ideas past my Grade 11 son, who is now an expert in online learning. Mostly he is reminding me that what I know about teaching is still true:
1. Don’t treat students like children. My son is only 16, but he feels insulted by weekly checklists to tell him to read and attend lectures. My students are adults, and they often have a lot going on in their lives, but they can organize their own studies.
2. Making a connection is the most important part of teaching. I have to show up, at a specific time, and deliver some course content. Answer questions, ask questions of them. Get to know them. Sure, record it and post it for all, but be there for those who want to connect.
3. My students are not dumb. They can handle difficult concepts and complex ideas. The hard part is figuring out how to communicate it clearly, and that’s on me.
4. I love teaching. It’s fun to talk about ideas and connect students with readings and concepts they haven’t yet experienced. Somebody #onhere said that professors are DJs of books. How fun is that? I’m not going to let the grind of remote learning get in the way of my joy.
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