In Vienna now, at the 63rd reconvened session, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs is considering the
@WHO recommendation for the (re-)scheduling of cannabis and cannabis-related substances.

Conference room paper here:
🔼 ps. This will result in the potentially the most consequential vote on #cannabis policy since the 1961 Single Convention
This @IDPCnet graphic summarises the 2/12/20 vote of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs Member States to remove cannabis from schedule IV of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs

Australia voted ‘yes’

The outcomes of this vote are:

- Medicinal cannabis is no longer in schedule IV of the UN drug control conventions

- A step forward to decolonise & modernise the UN drug treaty regime

While welcomed, these improvements are to a drug control system developed from 1912 in the context of imperialism, colonialism, racism & old information

Drugs should be classified into schedules based on evidence, according to their therapeutic value & risk to public health.

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